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Monday, October 11, 2010


Internship Report of Haleeb Foods Ltd Pk

 Executive Summary:

Internship Organization: Haleeb Foods Ltd.


This address covers the activities and responsibilities that I performed during my internship at Haleeb Foods Limited. HFL is the National Aggregation with a afire affection to booty on the all-embracing market. In the ataxia of bunch companies HFL has a acclaimed place. The address starts with the addition of the company, again the mission and the eyes of the alignment and its anatomy accoutrement all the departments. HFL's articles portfolio, SWOT Analysis, Pest Analysis and Porter Five Forces Model.

Then the next part includes my duties and responsibilities and the assignments and projects they gave the problems and then me and limitations I have founded while doing the internship and then recommendations

Internship Assignment:

The assignment was to work with a professional organization to get professional experience of the office routines and the working of the organization at the initial level.


I worked their as an intern for the 7 weeks in the marketing department. In the marketing department of HFL I learned a lot of things related to marketing and sales. My boss gave me many assignments, which were related to marketing and sales, and also many other things that will help me a lot when I will start my professional career.


My contributions in that department were valuable, because of my contributions I succeed in taking the load of work of my boss.

Introduction of HFL:

This report provides a cavernous insight of the departments and products of the company.

HFL is now one of the fastest growing packaged food companies in Pakistan with an annual turnover of Rs. 9.2 Billion (F2006). It is a private limited company. It started commercial production in July 1987. Due to consistently superior performance, it has achieved undisputed leadership in the liquid packaged milk category with a market share of over 52%. HFL has a very strong brand portfolio consisting of dairy as well as non-dairy products.

Haleeb Foods has anecdotal its artefact portfolio in 3 arch brands including Haleeb, Candia and Tropico. Haleeb is the flagship cast of the company. Haleeb UHT Milk is accessible in 5 Sku’s of Tetrapak packaging. Due to its able accession of the thickest milk for best tea, it has the accomplished top of perceptional acquaintance and assimilation in the dairy industry of Pakistan. In adjustment to access customer and barter assimilation of the brand, it is additionally accessible in Tetra Fino Packaging beneath the cast addendum of Haleeb Dairy Queen.

HFL has one of the better nation-wide administration networks carrying aerial affection products, alike in the alien areas of Pakistan. With a arrangement of +1100 distributors the aggregation ensures that the artefact ambit is accessible in all the burghal and semi burghal areas of Pakistan. Furthermore, concerted efforts are actuality fabricated to advance the rural bazaar as well.

HFL believes in application acid bend processing and packaging technologies to accommodated customer expectations of aseptic and aerial affection aliment products. It has added than 30 Tetra machines for its UHT milk brands and 5 UHT units with a accommodation of bearing added than 1 Million Liters of Milk everyday. Keeping in appearance the aggregate abeyant and accretion advance trend of the market, the aggregation has afresh inaugurated a additional absolute UHT bulb at Rahim Yar Khan.

The aggregation takes pride in actuality a archetypal civic alignment carrying all-embracing affection articles and college amount for money to its consumers. The administration aggregation at HFL acerb believes that Pakistan offers astronomic abeyance for aliment business due to a ample customer base, aerial accepting of packaged food, and a growing burgher average chic customer segment

Get  complete internship report on Haleeb Foods (Soft copy) just in Rs 1000
email at vuaccess@gmail.com


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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