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Thursday, July 07, 2011


How to Write a Effective Internship Report (With Sample and Example)

Outline for Internship Report

Writing an effective internship report involves organizing your experiences, reflections, and insights gained during your internship into a coherent and informative document. Here's a general guide on how to write one, along with a sample and example:


Start with a brief introduction about the purpose and significance of an internship report.
Mention the company/organization where the internship took place and your role/title during the internship.
Provide a glimpse of what the readers can expect to find in the report.

Chapter 1: Background and Company Overview:

Give an overview of the company/organization, its industry, and its major functions.
Discuss the company's mission, values, and any key projects they are known for.
Provide context for your internship by explaining why you chose this company.

Chapter 2: Internship Goals and Objectives:

Outline the goals and objectives you set for yourself before starting the internship.
Explain how these goals aligned with your academic and career aspirations.

Chapter 3: Job Responsibilities and Tasks:

Detail the specific tasks and responsibilities you were assigned during your internship.
Highlight any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.
Share your accomplishments and contributions to the projects.

Chapter 4: Learning and Skill Development:

Discuss the new skills, knowledge, and insights you gained during the internship.
Reflect on how these skills will benefit your future academic and career endeavors.

Chapter 5: Interactions and Networking:

Describe your interactions with colleagues, supervisors, and other employees.
Mention any networking opportunities or events you participated in.

Chapter 6: Personal Growth and Reflection:

Reflect on how the internship contributed to your personal growth and development.
Discuss any changes in your perspectives, attitudes, or future goals.

Chapter 7: Conclusion:

Summarize the key takeaways from your internship experience.
Reiterate how the internship aligns with your academic and career aspirations.

Sample Internship Report Introduction:

The internship report documents my journey during the six-month internship at XYZ Company, a leader in the technology industry. This report outlines the experiences, skills acquired, and insights gained while working as a Marketing Intern. It also reflects on how this internship has contributed to my personal and professional growth.

Example Reflection from Chapter 6:

During my internship, I realized the significance of effective communication in a professional setting. Through collaborating with cross-functional teams on various projects, I learned how to tailor my communication style to different audiences. This experience has greatly enhanced my interpersonal skills, which I believe will be invaluable as I pursue a career in marketing.

Remember, an effective internship report is not just a list of tasks; it's a reflective document that showcases your growth, learning, and ability to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world context. Use concrete examples, quantify your achievements when possible, and be sure to proofread for clarity and correctness.

1. First Page
First page should show: Name of the student, practices and start dates of completion, number of days of practice, type of practice (production, or design and development), company / institution name.

This page must be signed and sealed by the supervisor of the student intern.
2. Weekly Schedule

A weekly schedule in which each row of the table corresponding to a day probationary period. Each row must record the date, practical activity on that date. Weekly Schedule should explain the work done each day of the week during the period and shall contain:

• The department of the organization that the week went by.

• Name and signature of the supervisor control each week

• The official seal of the organization.

3. A brief executive summary of the practices

A one-page summary of the company / institution and a brief overview of the main activities carried out during the probationary period.

4. Table of Contents

Contents of the report with page numbers, list of tables and list of figures.

5. Description of company / institution

This section should answer the following questions:

5.1. What is the full title of the company / institution? A brief history of the company, full mailing address and relevant internet links.

5.2. What is the type of ownership of the company / institution? State's major shareholders and their actions.

5.3. What is the sector that the company / institution operates? Identify products and services produced and offered to their customers.

5.4. They are considered as customers of its practice firm / institution (consider the end users, distributors, manufacturers of other employees, etc)?

5.5. Provide an organization chart, along with information on the number of employees.

5.6. Provide a list of functions performed by mechanical engineers in the organization of practices.

6. Practical activities

This is the main body of the report. You must present the activities undertaken during the internship. Please see "Guidelines for drafting practices ME Activities" document the types of analysis and consultations to be carried out during the "production" and practices "Design and Development."

7. An evaluation of the practices

This section should answer the following questions:

7.1. What skills and qualifications that are believed to have benefited from the internship?

7.2. What kind of responsibilities they have undertaken during the internship?

7.3. How do you influence practice professional future plans?

7.4. How do you think the practical activities carried out are related to their knowledge in the classroom?

8. The report's conclusions

This section should include:

• A summary of the main conclusions from the internship experience.

• General comments on the sector in which the practice firm / institution operates

9. Appendices and supplementary material (tables, graphs, images, computer code, etc.)

10. References

Rules for writing the lab report:

• You do not have to provide a diary of the day to day operational activities.

• Do not write theoretical fragments of the books! Describe what it is exactly what is and what experiences you have acquired during their training.

• The lab report should be between 15 to 20 pages and written "Diary of the Training Program," which can be provided from the college bookstore.

• The lab report should be written in the handwriting, and each page should contain about 25 lines.

• The lab report must be originals, not photocopies are accepted.

• You can include graphics, images, data, drawings, design or calculations in your report, but should not cover more than 1 / 3 of the page. Great graphics, images, data, drawings, design or calculations should be given in an appendix.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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