
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

JOB SATISFACTION –A Comparative Analysis of Public and Private

 Comparative Study of Public and Private

Selection of the Topic

It is obvious that work is important in every society, the extent of importance will vary, however, and much of what is “Known” about work as a motivator often is culture-specific. Different arena has different attributes which influence job satisfaction among employees in insurance companies.

The belief that satisfied employees are more productive than dissatisfied employees has been a basic tenet among managers for years. Although much evidence questions that assumed causal relationship, it can be argue that advanced societies should be concerned not only with the quality of life- that is, concerns such as higher productivity and material acquisitions – but also with its quality.

Those researchers with strong humanistic values argue that satisfaction is a legitimate objective of an organization. Not only is satisfaction negatively related to absenteeism and turnover, but they argue, organizations have a responsibility to provide employed with jobs that are challenging and intrinsically rewarding.

Therefore, although job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than behaviors. The researchers related to the organizational behaviors discipline also consider job satisfaction as an important dependent variable.

Keeping job satisfaction’s universal importance in mind researcher has chosen the topic related to insurance sector.

Sampling Procedure and Design

To carry out the present research, primary data has been used with the help of questionnaire. There are total 80 respondents from different insurance companies of public and private. In public sector employees are from life Insurance  Corporation of India, and in the private sector the employees are from Bajaj Allianz, ICICI Prudential, Reliance Life Insurance, Birla Sun Life. 

Methods of Data Collection

Researcher has opted two source for the collection of data. (1) Primary and  (2) secondary . The primary data has been collected from self-administered questionnaire and interview methods. The respondents were contacted personally at their workplaces. 

A quantitative survey has been chosen for the research because it is a simple and cost effective means of gathering a large amount of information within a short timeframe. The analysis and interpretation of the data is supplemented with the information available from published and unpublished sources.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Final Project on brand image and brand loyalty

We have seen that Pepsi Cola and Coca cola are two Leader brands that are fighting in the market. Both are the competitors each other. We have also seen that most of the people prefer to purchase Pepsi brand, but on other side Coca cola has also very loyal customers who prefer to drink Coca cola Brand. So people think both are the market leader. Now question raise who is the market leader which of them what is the ground reality, every person want to know who is leader from them. Hence this project is also going to find out brand loyalty towards both brands.

For the sake of getting result, what are various factors that help the customers to buy specific products? The study is going to conduct purely to analysis comparison brand loyalty between Pepsi and Coca cola. After this study, reader will be enabling to understand why he or she prefers to buy particular brand and what reason is behind. In the market both brand are very useful People prefer to drink only two brands soft drink e.g Pepsi cola and Coca cola. Hence the reason for conducting this study to analysis brand loyalty towards both companies brand 
 1. Journal brand image brand loyalty
 2. Reinventing brand name and brand loyalty
 3. Project relationship between brand image and brand loyalty
 4. Usefull tips for building the customers loyalty towards the brand
Dear Final Project searching visitors, the final project on brand loyalty and brand image is available on all companies. If you are looking comparison of brand loyalty and brand image, then you are at the right place. We are professional for writing Final Project on brand loyalty and brand image on students request. If you want to contact us then you could write us with full confidence. 

MBA Project Report on Product Development strategies

Final Project on Product Development strategies

Dear Students We are professional for writing Final Project on product development strategies, product strategies, this project reflect all vital steps which have been taken during the product development Strategies. Because all we know that for the improvement of product quality, this necessary step have to be taken the part of the marketing strategies

Product Development strategies

 In Final Project on Product development strategies we will try to find out what are major strategies of each product like cycle stages in terms of costs?, so this Marketing product strategies will show you both company comparison after gathering data from both companies consumers through structured questionnaires.

We are professional for writing Project on product development strategies according to university format. For any assistance you may contact us with full confidence.

MBA Project of Marketing on advertisng strategy and effectiveness of Warid

We have seen that Warid and are two Leader brands that are fighting in the market. Both are the competitors each other. We have also seen that most of the people prefer to purchase Warid brand, but on other side Mobilink has also very loyal customers who prefer to  Mobilink Brand. So people think both are the market leader. Now question raise who is the market leader which of them what is the ground reality, every person want to know who is leader from them. Hence this project is also going to find out brand loyalty towards both brands.

For the sake of getting result, what are various factors that help the customers to buy specific products? The study is going to conduct purely to analysis comparison brand loyalty between Warid and Mobilink. After this study, reader will be enabling to understand why he or she prefers to buy particular brand and what reason is behind. In the market both brand are very useful People prefer to connection only two brands e.g Warid and Mobilink. Hence the reason for conducting this study to analysis brand loyalty towards both companies brand.

MBA Project of marketing is  available, you can contact us at

MKT619 Marketing Print project management

f you are looking for MKT619-Final Project-Marketing then you are now at the right place. We are profesisonal for writing MKT619-Final Project-Marketing on demand. We are liable to handle your Marketing Print project Management.

Select your Marketing research Project Topic

  1. Comparison of product strategies
  2. Comparison Advertising Strategies
  3. Comparison Pricing Strategies
  4. Comparison of brand loyalty
  5. Comparison of CRM strategies
  6. Comparison of personality branding
  7. Does personalities of celebrities match with the brands advertised
  8. Factors behind effectiveness of advertising
  9. Factors behind effectiveness of branding
  10. Dimensions of brand personality
  11. Brand as a source of competitive edge
  12. Brand development process
  13. Advertisement in brand image 
Now you are required to contact us, We will prepare your project on demand 

MKT619 Final dissertation project in Marketing

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Role of advertisement in brand image of Coca cola

Project Report on Role of advertisement in brand image

It is very essential, that every product require effective advertisement for building good image in the consumer mind. For gaining competitive advantage, company needs effective, proper advertising, branding and sales promotion. The branding, and effective advertisement results in increase in sales. Hence it is necessary that any company should make advertising strategy, brand strategy more effective, and carefully.

Every person knows that Advertisement play dramatically role for increase company sales, as well as the brand image in eyes of the customers. Sales will increase when brand image will be strong, various studies have been conducted over this topic, how advertisement play role for creating good brand image in consumer minds. A variety of reasons for this increase emphasis on image in marketing can be recommended.

The main objective for conducting this study is to examine the role which advertising plays in developing brand image. This study is going to conduct over Coca cola Company; study will dig out how advertisement builds the good brand image in consumer minds. The other purpose of this study is to examining the various levels of marketing imagery and focuses on those elements which Macdonald controls in the image formation process.

In the next coming pages, this study will show the role of advertisement for building strong brand image. Primary data will be used for this study, and it will be collected from the consumers through questionnaires. Readers will also study the Summary, which contain the true findings and results. After true finding, we have suggested some necessary recommendation to improve highlighted areas.

Introduction to Coca Cola

The project is actually to compare advertising strategies adopted by leading beverage companies PEPSI and Coca-Cola.

The word advertising originates from a Latin word advertise which means to turn to. The dictionary meaning of the term is “to give public notice or to announce publicity”. Advertising as a term is used by many to cover almost any topic in the promotional area of marketing. Advertising is a marketing vehicle that is designed for the masses.

Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola are premier marketing companies the fundamental competitive advantage that allowed that to compete so effectively lies in their ability to operate through a very cumbersome advertising system. (4Ps Business and Marketing, 2007) This fight between the two “Cola” kings has aroused my interest in this topic and with the help of my research it will be very easier for me, to answer the research question that I have chosen which are

What are the competitive advertising strategies adopted by Pepsi & Coke in Pakistan to outscore each other?

Which soft drink company (among Pepsi & Coke) has been more successful in grabbing greater market share and consumer’s satisfaction?

To successfully complete this project my major research objective would be to compare and critically analyze the competitive Advertising strategies adopted by Pepsi and Coke and secondly to obtain customers response to know about their satisfaction level about products of the two soft drinks kings (Pepsi & Coke)

This project the Role of Advertisement in Brand image of Coca Cola is Available. You can purchase these documents in reasonable price. (non copied material)100 % Pass Guarantee. If you wish to puchase these documents then simply click on contact Us option and use our contact us tools

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

AIOU Internship Finance Report on first woman Bank-vuaccess

AIOU Internship report on first woman bank

First Women Bank Ltd. is a unique financial institution, a Scheduled Commercial Bank and a development financial institution for the socio-economic empowerment of women.

The Bank was set up in 1989 by the Islamic world’s first woman Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (Shaheed), who wanted a bank that would meet the banking needs of women entrepreneurs.

FWBL was incorporated as a Scheduled Commercial Bank in the Public Sector as a Public Ltd. Company on 21st November, 1989 under the Companies Ordinance, 1984.

The Bank commenced its business on 2nd December, 1989 with a paid up capital of Rs. 100 Million; 90% of which was contributed in varying proportions by five leading Public Sector banks of the country. They were:

National Bank of Pakistan, Habib Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank Limited, United Bank Limited and Allied Bank Limited 10% of the remaining capital came from the Federal Government

How Can i get Internship Report on First women Bank

Dear Students. Internship report on First Woman Bank (Banking and Finance) is available. (AIOU) (VU) with 5 years Financial ratio analysis.  100 % approval Guarantee.  Only Serious Students may Contact us.

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3. Genuine Content,
4. We hate Copied material
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

BNKI619 Internship Report on National Bank of Pakistan

Executive Summery

I have completed my internship report on the behalf of Virtual University of Pakistan (Lahore) at National Bank of Pakistan Branch Shorkot Cantt (PAF Base, Rafiqui). NBP is a famous and reputed & national bank of Pakistan. The main purpose of my internship report was to looking for a good hand on experience in the practical field with an invaluable knowledge.

On good performance NBP achieved / won following awards on its better performance. “Bank of the Year” awarded for the year 2010 by the world renowned “The Banker” magazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London  NBP is awarded “President of Pakistan Trophy”, a top slot award by Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2010.

NBP is awarded “Prime Minister of Pakistan Trophy”, a top slot award by Lahore Chambers of Commerce and Industry in 2010 Among the global leading banks, NBP is the only Pakistani bank appearing in top 500 banks of the world in “The Banker” magazine owned by the Financial Times Group, London

Report is based on my six weeks internship program from 30 May, 2011 to 09 July, 2011 at National Bank of Pakistan Brach Shorkot Cantt (PAF Base, Rafiqui). The methodology for collection of data is primary as well as secondary data. The biggest source of information is my personal experience.

Report is divided into different sections. 1st section I have discussed dedication & Acknowledgement. Also scanned copy of Letter of undertaking and internship completion certificate is attached. In 2nd section I have written Executive summery and Table of contents. 3rd section has brief introduction of Banking Sector and overview of the bank including history, hieracrchy chart, business volume, product lines, competitor’s list, introduction of all departments under NBP & comments on organizational structure. 4th section has plan of my internship report & training programme. Critical Analysis based on risks faced by the bank, risk mitigation techniques along with loaning procedure and future prospects of the bank is discussed in section 5th. 
At the end of the report future look / prosperity of the whole organization, conclusion and recommendations for improvement is discussed. overview, history, vision, mission, core values, Nature of business & volume, product line, competitor & comments.
Brief Introduction of Banking Sector

NBP falls in banking sector according to current scenario.

Central Bank
Monetary Authority and oversees
Depository Corporations
Commercial Banks
Merchant Banks
Savings Credit Union
Rural and Development Banks, etc.

In Pakistan, banking sector provides around 6 million borrowers and 25 million depositors, implying a penetration rate of 3.6 percent and 15 percent respectively. In terms of admittance to microfinance which means the availability of small loans, micro deposits to low income households, the current penetration rate is just 10 percent. In other words we can say that approximately 80-85 percent of Pakistan's population does not have access to any regulated financial services institutions. That makes the economic world uneven and discriminatory. There are at present 20 domestic banks with 7,590 branches and 21 foreign banks with 71 branches in operation in the country. Banking sector plays significant role in the economic life of the nation.

It participates in effective way in the process of economic development of the country. It influences different economic activities like elimination of poverty, mobilization of resources, creation and distribution of public finance. Banking sector is often called as a nation's economic engine. Almost 81% of banking assets are in private hands. Likewise, the present foreign stake comes to 47% of total paid-up capital of all the financial institutions regulated by Pakistan's central bank, the State Bank of Pakistan. Banking sector of Pakistan consists of Commercial Banks, Specialized Banking and other non-banking financial Institutions

Brief History of NBP

The NBP was established vide NBP Ordinance No. XIX of November 9. 1949.

The history of the N.B.P. is part of Pakistan struggle for economic independence. In 1947 at the time of partition the economy of the country was main controlled by non-Pakistanis, most of them were Hindus. This partition of the Sub-Continent brought wide spread disturbance and bloodshed on both side of the border. This resulted in the mass migration of population from. one country to another. In this situation the economy of the country influenced badly.

At the time of independence it had been arranged between India and Pakistan that Reserve Bank of India should act as the common monetary authority for both countries upto end of September, 1948. But the arrangement did not prove satisfactory. In August, 1947, Pakistan had been given a first installment of twenty crore of rupees, out of its shares of cash balance of undivided India to meet immediate requirements. The balance amounting to fifty crore rupees was to be paid later, But when Pakistan demanded that amount, they refused to hand over the money unless Pakistan agreed to give up interest in Kashmir and thus the Government of Pakistan could not agree. This situation occurred, when Reserve Bank of India was functioning as the Central Bank of Pakistan.
As a result of this experience, Pakistan felt it could not place any reliance on the Reserve Bank of India. It was clear that its own central Bank was an indispensable necessity and it was opened by the Quaid-e-Azam on the first of July, 1948. When state Bank came into existence, it claimed its share of the assets of the Reserve Bank of India against the Indian currency, retired from Pakistan territory. But again dispute arose. The dispute is still unsettled and these assets have not been delivered to Pakistan.

Business Volume

National bank of Pakistan has set higher standard of achievement. It is the key business partner of Government of Pakistan. NBP is 100% owned by government of Pakistan, and hold 24% share of time and demand deposit. NBP needed to redefine its role and shed the public sector bank image, for a modern commercial bank. It has offloaded 23.2 percent share in the stock market, and while it has not been completely privatized like the other three public sector banks, partial privatization has taken place. It is now listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. The Bank's financial performance has been remarkable. In 2006, total assets were estimated at Rs. 635 billion, while deposits have grown to nearly Rs. 502 billion. Pre-tax profit rose to Rs. 26 billion. Earnings per share have jumped to Rs. 24.01 in 2006. In year 2010 total assets are Rs. 1,035,025 million.

Task Assigned in Deposit Department

Deposit department is responsible for collecting of cheques which may be paid with in city or out of city for clearance / identification. I learnt that the clearing procedure takes approximately 3 days to complete in previous days but now these days online accounts have been verified / checked with the seconds with the advancement of technology. During my stay in deposit department I have been collecting cheques from general public and other clients of NBP and send to NIFT which perform the services of clearing house. I learnt the procedure of issuing of new cheque book and predict. I have also performed my duty to fill the deposit slips during my stay at this department.

I have performed this duty every day till my internship period. On the other hand manger has assigned me to fill the new account opening form if new consumes come and open new account. So I have also filled the account opening form whenever any consumers desired to open an account. During stay at this department my duty was to give information to their consumers regarding to saving accounts and current accounts and about others products if customers feel need about that. So providing maximum information about account opening process, fill the form, fill the deposit slip, and give information to consumers about product and its features were the majority tasks that I performed during stay at this department

Take our Services to write BNKI619 internship report. We are providing quality of internship report for your course. If you wish we will prepare your BNKI619 internship report then contact us with full confidence.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

FINI619 Internship Report on Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd

We have published lot of internship report on muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. We are professional for writing FINI619 internship Report on Muslim Commerical Bank Ltd. We never failed we are providing you 100 % pass Guarantee. Save your time and semester. Here we are going to published some internship contents. These are under below


I dedicate all my efforts and struggle of educational life to my beloved parents who support assist and guide me throughout my educational life, without them I am meaningless. Further I dedicate the work of this report to my respectable and honorable teachers who teach me support me and develop my Personality as a competent professional.


First of all I thank Allah, who is the holder of my breaths, without his order nothing is possible.

I am highly thankful to my respectable teachers and friends and family members who were my supporter throughout my educational career, further I thank all the employees of the branch MCB bank Limited, where I have done my internship in muslim commercial Bank Ltd

I have set light, an ever-burning flame of gratitude and deep sense of obligation to my honorable teachers of Department of Business Management Sciences for their valuable guidance, constructive criticism and inspiring attitude during my studies. I appreciate and thanks to all the member of the faculty. Besides, this internship program makes me realize the value of working together as a team and as a new experience in working environment, which challenges us every minute.

Not forget, great appreciation go to the rest of MCB’s staff that helped me from time to time during the project. The whole program really brought us together to appreciate the true value of friendship and respect of each other.

Last words are lacking to express my feelings and indebtedness to my affectionate Family and Friends for their love, appreciations, which always stand by me mentally and spiritually during all years of my study.

Executive Summary:

MCB is one of the leading banks of Pakistan with a deposit base of Rs. 368 Billion and total assets over Rs.500 Billion. Incorporated in 1947, MCB soon earned the reputation of a solid and conservative financial institution managed by expatriate executives. In 1974, MCB was nationalized along with all other private sector banks.

MCB bank is doing the day and night struggle to achieve its purposes. It tries to control its expenses and increase its efficiency and effectiveness. It is introducing the innovative concept of centralized foreign trade services to branches with a view to improve efficiency, expertise and reduce delivery cost.

During my internship at MCB, I worked in remittance, advances, cash, deposits, customer service office department and I successfully completed all the tasks/duties that were assigned to me. I also performed different functions in all departments as a whole

Brief Introduction of Banking Sector

The history of the Banking is as old as human civilization. Its origin is more likely linked with the recognition of the money as medium of exchange. As far as the word of “Bank” is concerned, the both old French word “Banque” and Italian word “banca” were used centuries ago to mean a “bench” or “money changer’s table”.

A sketch of the physical operation of the money changers in small shops in a commercial district usually on the bench engaged in the exchanging foreign coins for the local money or discounting commercial notes for a fee in order to supply merchants with working capita

Over the period of time they discovered that large sum of the money were left in their custody for long periods; which suggested the use of cash to advance loans t other person for a fixed period of time and considerably high rate of interest.

Thus began the “issue” and “deposit” banking of the modern times. Some of the enterprising goldsmiths issued “cheque books” for the attraction of their customers; and thus another step in the evolution of banking had taken place.

Brief history of Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd

Before separation of Indo Pak, the need for more Muslim banks was felt. And Muslims having strong financial capacity were thinking to invest in this sector as well. This was the idea which paved the way for setting up MCB Bank Ltd known as MCB. This was the third Muslim bank in the subcontinent.

The Muslim Commercial Bank Limited was incorporated on 9th July 1947 in Calcutta in Bengal. After partition, the Registered Office of the bank was shifted to Dhaka where it commenced business from August 1948. The Bank transferred its registered/Head office from Dhaka to Karachi in 1956. In 1999, its registered / Head office was transferred to Islamabad and Karachi office was named as principal office.

The government transferred a 26% management stake to a group of leading industrialists, collectively named National Group of which Mian Mohammad Mansha is the Major stakeholder. In 1992 a further 24% was sold to the National Group. The current shareholding structure is 50% National Group, 25% government and 25% floated on bourses.
Now MCB is in the top five private banks of Pakistan.  There are above 1200 branches of MCB all over the country. MCB is listed on the Stock Exchange Market and its price per share is Rs.130.75.The head office of MCB is at Karachi.

Dear Students we will prepare your Internship report on Muslim Commercial bank Ltd (Finance)on demand. We provide you 100 % pass Guarantee. We will prepare your report according to university format and with most recent three years ratio analysis. You can also buy previous approved internship report on Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd . Write us with full confidence.  

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

FINI619 Internship Finance Report on National Bank of Paksitan(NBP)

This is FINI619 Internship Finance Report on National Bank of Pakistan.

Overview of the organization

The organization i.e. National Bank of Pakistan was incorporated in Pakistan vides National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance 1949. It was mainly an agricultural credit bank at the beginning.

The Bank opened its six branches in East Pakistan. All six branches were opened at the main jute production centers of that time. Bank started its operations at Lahore and Karachi late in 1949.

In 1950 a subsidiary bank “The bank of Bahawalpur” was held up by National Bank of Pakistan. In the year 1952, just after 3 years of inauguration, the bank was holding about 38% of the total deposits of all the bank of Pakistan. At the end of the year 1959, bank was holding 1/3rd of the total credit portfolio of all commercial bank of Pakistan.

In 2002 the Bank an agreement was signed between NBP and western Union that the operations of Western Union will be conducted by NBP in the Pakistan. NBP was declared as one of the Best in the Emerging Markets by the world’s leading financial journal, “Global Finance”, in its May 2003 issue, after a worldwide survey. The “Bankers Magazine” in July 2003 stated that NBP is the bank with the highest return on capital in Asia and No.8 in the world in terms of the highest return.
NBP enjoys the reputation of the only Pakistani bank which has been ranked among the Top 1000 banks of the world by the prestigious “Banker magazine” in its July 2005 issue and it was also ranked among the Top 100 banks of Asia by the same magazine for its performance in the same year.
In January 2004 NBP introduced its NBP Saibaan scheme. In May 2004, NBP’s standard long-term rating was upgraded by M/S JCR-VIS Credit Rating Agency from AA- (double A minus) to AA with “stable outlook” while standalone short-term rating was maintained at A-1+. This was then the best rating for a local commercial bank in Pakistan.
FINI619 Internship Finance Report is writing that World’s leading financial journal, “Global Finance” in an exclusive survey has stated NBP as the Best Emerging Market Bank from Pakistan for the year 2005. On an all Pakistan basis NBP was awarded the “Kisan Times Award” for its services in the Agriculture Sector, for the year 2005 by the Prime Minister of Pakistan Mr. Shaukat Aziz. The “Banker Magazine” in July 2005 called NBP as the 10th Best Bank in terms of “Profit on Capital” of the world.
NBP introduced its ATM + Debit Card in 2005. “Best Bank in Pakistan” award for the year 2005 was awarded by world’s leading financial journal “Global Finance”. NBP helpline and NBP protection shield were launched during the year 2006. NBP also started the Islamic banking system during the same year. World’s leading financial journal, “Global Finance” has identified NBP as the Best Emerging Market Bank from Pakistan for the year 2006.

NBP was announced “best return on Capital” for 2006 amongst all banks in Asia by “Banker magazine” in July 2007. NBP enjoys the highest rating of ‘AAA’ in the industry assigned by M/s JCR-VIS Credit Rating Company (July 2007) limited on a standalone basis. According to this FINI619 Finance Report that NBP launched premium Aamdani and Premium saver schemes in 2007

NBP has been awarded The Bank of The Year title for 5 times (2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2008) by “The Banker magazine” that is owned by the Financial Times Group, London. National Bank of Pakistan was awarded “The Best Foreign Exchange Bank in Pakistan” title for 4 times (2004, 2005, 2006 and 2008) by the world’s leading financial journal “Global Finance”

Year 2009 has been a historic year for NBP’s I.T infrastructure point as the bank started its implementation program of ‘Core Banking Application (CBA) Software’. At the end of 2009 the Bank has a branch network of 1287 branches with 1265 domestic and 22 overseas branches.  During year 2009 11 new domestic branches were opened.

Nature of the Organization

National Bank of Pakistan is basically a Financial Organization. The bank is involved in commercial banking and related services in Pakistan and overseas. The nature of operations conducted by the bank is different and unique from other Banks/financial institutions working in Pakistan. According to FINI619 Finance Internship Report NBP is the largest commercial bank of Pakistan. It has balance sheet size greater than any bank in Pakistan. After redefining its role it has become a modern commercial bank rather than a public sector organization.

The Bank's services are available to individuals, government and corporate sector. It also handles treasury transactions of Government of Pakistan as an agent to the State Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence). It has a diversified business portfolio and is today a front end player in the debt equity market, agricultural financing, corporate investment banking, retail and consumer banking, treasury services and is taking growing interest in developing the country's small and medium enterprises. It is also fulfilling its social responsibilities of being a corporate citizen

National Bank of Pakistan is a Governmental Organization. it implements the policies of State Bank of Pakistan as it is the agent of SBP. It deals all Government Revenue, collection and payments of salaries, pensions and also payments related to the Government Treasury. The bank also provides services as trustee to National Investment Trust (NIT) and Long-Term Credit Fund (LTCF)

The Bank has expanded its range of products and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. The National Bank of Pakistan generally makes advances for a period not exceeding one year, except in case of small and medium industries where advance may be made for a highest period of five years. The bank makes advances not only against the security of stocks and goods, but also against documents of goods and propriety, shares of various joint stock companies, Insurance policies deposits receipts, Government securities etc.

Strategies of branding used by organization

National Bank of Pakistan has some very distinct brand names like advance salary scheme. In recent past the default ratio has been a higher one I.e. many people who have taken loans were not paying back. The major reason is political pressure of government. Due to this situation the bank is currently maintaining its brand portfolio rather than introducing new brands.

NBP is focusing of line extension strategy of branding and is currently just presenting the same brands in new style and looks. Existing products are being offered with some new additions and improvements. NBP has temporarily stopped some of its schemes as they were not performing up to the desired levels.

NBP is ambitious to adopt brand extension strategy. They really want to extend their brand portfolio but the current economic and market situations do not allow it to adopt this kind of strategy. So NBP sticks to the line extension strategy.

List of main clients

Main clients of the National Bank of Pakistan includes

• Government servants

• Farmers and landlords
• Firms and corporations
• Small businessmen
• State Bank of Pakistan
• Other banks working in Pakistan
• students
• General public

Dear Students We are Professional for writing Internship report on National bank (Finance) on demand and provide you 100 % pass Guarantee. Do,t submit copied material to your university otherwise you will be punished as Fail. Get this report with most three years ratio analysis and get degree from virtual university of Pakistan. 

Reason Why Our Internship Report never failed

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Monday, December 05, 2011

List of Internship Reports on Banks

MKT619-Internship Report-Marketing on Banks

  1. Internship Report on National bank of Pakistan (NB) Marketing
  2. Internship Report-MCB Marketing
  3. Internship Report-UBL Marketing
  4. Internship Report-Askari Bank Marketing
  5. Internship Report-HBL Marketing
  6. Internship Report-Bank Alfalah Marketing
  7. Internship Report-Mezan Bank Marketing
  8. Internship Report-Soneri Bank Marketing
  9. Internship Report-Allied Bank Marketing
  10. Internship Report-Bank-AL-Habib Marketing
  11. Internship Report-Faysal Bank Marketing
  12. Internship Report-First Women Bank Marketing
  13. Internship Report-JS Bank Marketing
  14. Internship Report-HSBC Pakistan Marketing
  15. Internship Report-SCBP Marketing
  16. Internship Report-Silk Bank Marketing
  17. Internship Report-Habib Metropolitan Bank Marketing 
  18. Internship Report--BOP Marketing
 MKTI619 Internship reports on bank are available. We are professional for writing MKTI619 Internship reports on any topic and provide you 100 % pass Gurantee wtih very reasonable price. Write us Will confidence.

How to Write a Literature Review in Final Project

Research@Intel Day: Exploratory ResearchImage by Josh Bancroft via Flickr
Literature Review/Related Information and Research Model

This section provides a summary of research already conducted on the topic. Its purpose is to convey to a reader the historical context of the topic, any trends experienced by the topic, and how theory on the topic has informed practice of the topic (and vice versa). However, a literature review is more than just an annotated study-by-study summary.

It is a well-organized, cohesive "essay" that flows smoothly in order to create a sound view of research and discover on the topic over time. In action research articles, this is also the section where you will likely find discussions of additional information gathering, or reconnaissance. You also provide dialogue about additional sources of information that helped to frame your action research study. You should focus on the description of the situation or problem, and explanation of why the problem has occurred and how the study will potentially address it.

 A good Literature Review

The literature review develops a relationship between academics and your research. Your task must be to show how the academic literature sheds light on your topic. The purpose of the literature review is to refine the statement of the research problem or question, not to offer a tutorial on the topic. Do not repeat large passages from a text.

A literature review must do the following:

  1. It should organized around and related directly to the
  2. Project/thesis or research question you are developing
  3. Synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known
  4. Identify areas of controversy in the literatur
  5. Formulate questions that need further research/project
  6. Final Note

Sunday, December 04, 2011

How to write Introduction of Final Project

Standard Guidelines for Writing Introduction of final Project

Write Introduction in final Project

This section begins with a few short introductory paragraphs (couple of pages). In introduction the context of the research is made clear and choice of the topic is defended. The relationship between the research problem and the research objectives must be explained. Introduction section sets the stage for the project report and puts the topic in perspective.

It contains general statements about the need for this study. It is a brief description of what the project report is all about. It briefly summarizes the topic and some of the reasons why it is worthwhile to do research on this specific topic.

This section provides several important features of a research article. It is advised that you may typically provide some background to the topic (e.g., why this is an important topic, worthy of investigation), as well as the purpose of the study. You may also provide a justification for actually conducting the study. You may also identify to who the results of the study may be of interest.

This section also typically includes the research questions and/or hypotheses. In some research articles, you may also find sections discussing any limitations or delimitations to the study and definitions of any important terms.

Introduction is a bird eye view of the answers to the main questions that will be answered in your research report. The basic goal of the introduction is to catch the attention of the reader. Key point is that when you are writing the introduction; put yourself in your readers’ position.

Guidelines for writing Abstract in MBA Final Project

Lot of papers have already been published how to write a effective research project paper. For writing good mba final project you should follow the under below guidelines

The main sections of most research Project may include

• Abstract
• Introduction
• Literature Review/Related Information and Research Model
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion and Managerial Implications
• Limitations and Future Research
• Appendices

Here are the main purposes of each section, and what you should focus your attention on in each
How to write Abstract
The abstract succinctly introduces the paper. We advise that it should not exceed 100–150 words. The abstract is conceptually divided into three sections. Background: include here a statement of the main research question. Methodology/Principal Findings: include here the techniques used without going into methodological detail, together with a summary of the most important findings with key numerical results given, with measures of error and not just p values. Conclusions/Significance: concisely summarize the study’s implications. Please do not include any citations in the abstract. Avoid specialist abbreviations if possible. 

MGT619 Project Proposal on effect of Organizational culture

“Effect of organizational Culture, A comparative study of PIA & Air Blue,

1.1 Introduction:

The present research study intends to investigate the relationship between Cultural differences of Government and private organizations. There is a decline in service of government organizations since last couple of years and its need of the hour to investigate the facts and figures which resulted into decline. We will take example of two organizations here, one from government and second from private. PIA will be representing government and Air blue will represent private organization.

Pakistan International Airlines has been an air travel pioneer since its inception in 1955. Their vision and mission compromise of being world class airline by exceeding customer expectations through their valued employees while working on a mission to become a global airline by offering customer services and innovative products. This would be only managed by cost effective measures in procurement and by using state of art technologies.

Their values include 5 major elements which are customer expectations, service, cohesiveness, reliability and safety. All of these sets of pure commitment prove that PIA is an airline emerging as a serious competitor among its league.

Air blue on the other hand is a newly emerged young airline Started in 2004. Air blue offers world-class travel to many cities within Pakistan. Started with a significantly low budget as compared to the normal requirement of airline birth Air blue has displayed their professionalism to become a successful airline. Air blue now offers flights to Dubai (UAE) from four different Pakistani cities, and has started its service to Manchester (UK) in 2007. Air blue has integrated unique innovations to ensure security and affordability. Among these are complete online reservation systems and mobile airport check in procedures.

Air blue aims to focus passengers comfort at prices that offer value for money and have efficient staff taking care of the customers with respect. This research study is considered to be worthwhile as it examines the cultural environment of Pakistan International Airlines and compares them with the cultural environment of Air blue. 

Essential feature of the current study is to investigate the culture of both of these airlines which ultimately effect the expectations of their customers. This study is focused on those dimensions of cultural difference and their impact on service quality which will facilitate the selected airlines to better assess the expectations of their customers.
1.2 Background:
Organizational culture is an abstraction which is filled with forces which are created in practical organizational situations. Yet these all forces are very powerful since they operate outside any ones imagination. And these forces need to be reviewed since they help to explain many of the frustrating and astonishing experiences. Overall if these forces are reviewed they might help to understand the culture in a more diversified way.
 A change in any one of these forces can cause a dramatic cultural change in organization. We can present an example over here that if a manager is new in an organization and trying to bring change he or she might experience resistance to that change. This is because they might be going against the present organizational culture.
Similarly it is very important to understand the organizational culture since it is directly related to the service which is being provided by the organization. It is required that organizations should prioritize this culture so that they can provide an environment in which the employees can work in a peacefully without any problems otherwise a bad culture could be threatening for the success of an organization.
There is another example where an organization only believed a particular thing when had an extensive debate. This debate when carried out popped some barriers but with clarification it turned out to be a successful debate. Ideas like these can help to mold the culture in a professional environment where employees can even adapt new changes quickly rather than acting as a barrier to the change.Airlines play a very important role in the overall economic development of the country.
Majority of airlines around the world are struggling to attract the customers and improve their service standards for customers’ retention. These airlines satisfy the customers by understanding their requirements and expectations (Smith, 1994). Similar to the airline industry of other countries, Pakistan airline industry has both government and private airlines. Present study has selected Pakistan International Airlines and Air blue from the airline industry of Pakistan to investigate cultural differences of government and private sector.
So this study will help these two airlines to be aware of the cultural environment within these organizations and prioritize / improve their work cultures. The brief overview of Pakistan International Airlines and Air blue is as follows:  Give introduction of the organization in context of your selected topic
Organizational culture could be measured quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitatively measurement would include key cultural dimensions and the qualitatively would include stories, incidents, and symbols that represent the immeasurable ambience of the organization
The second area to be discussed is service quality. Service quality is the result of a complex network of several dimensions. The dimensions which can be also classified as parameters are reliability, tangibles, responsiveness, assurance, flexibility, safety, appearance, usability, and empathy.
Reliability is the ability to perform service accurately. In this particular project it could be reliability of either PIA or Air Blue to fly their flights on time as described on the schedule without any delays. Tangible consist of appearance of physical facilities which would be cabin appearance.

Responsiveness represents willingness to help customers, like arranging hotel facilities incase of flight delays due to weather.  Assurance reflects the knowledge and courtesy of employees and empathy demonstrates the individualized caring of customers which could be taking care of a sick customer on flight and so on.

1.4 Research Objectives

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Saturday, December 03, 2011

MGTI619 internship report on National Bank of Pakistan

Executive Summary

The report has been wrote on MGTI619 internship report (management)on National bank of pakistan.
The main purpose behind internship is getting practical knowledge and experience knowledge. University has given me task to do internship in any company, so for the sake of fulfillment of university requirement I did my internship in NBP branch at Mandi Bahauddin where I got much practical and professional knowledge from NBP staff. During my stay at this branch i have collected some primary data from my report. This report will show you my tasks which I performed during my internship, so vital part of report is Training programme, in which i have discussed my those takes which I performed according to managers instruction and guideline. I got training in
1. General banking
2. Cash Deptt
3. Credit Deptt
4. Deposit Deptt
5. Agri: Deptt
6. Remittance Deptt

Readers could also study my tasks in detail in my training programme portion. After this portion another important portion will be start, this portion contains all detail about NBP management functions that NBP presently performed as student of management I have focused my all attention at this portion and have wrote according to NBP management prospective. After this portion I have also written Critical analysis portion, in which portion I have represented my all true observation during stay in this branch. Another portion will start after the Critical analysis, which is SWOT analysis of the bank. These portions contain NBP strength, weakness, opportunity and threats; detail is available kindly read the SWOT portion. On the base of my finding, SWOT, Critical analysis, and my training programme, I have also written some necessary recommendation to improve weak areas.

Instead of this portion reads could study the National bank of History, its product lines, Introduction to NBP department.

Overview of the organization

As we know that the banking business is one of the most sensitive around the world. Banks play an important role in the economy and are considered the backbone of the economy of each country and Pakistan is no exception. Banks are custodians of the assets of the general masses. The banking sector plays an important role in the contemporary world of money and the economy. Influences and facilitates many different but integrated economic activities such as resource mobilization, poverty eradication, production and distribution of public finances.

All commercial banks were subordinated to political leaders and bureaucracy. Commercial banks thus lost their asset management balance, initiative and drive growth. Ceased to be a business concern and became large bureaucracies. Muslim Commercial Bank was the first bank privatization. Followed by Allied Bank Limited, United Bank Limited and Habib Bank Limited have been privatized.

Currently, the banking sector is to provide financial solutions to the masses is growing and becoming a strong partner in the development of Pakistan's economy, this potential growth has been different acquisitions in the banking sector, with Standard Chartered Union Bank most prominent.

Introduction to National Bank of Pakistan

The history of the National Bank of Pakistan is part of Pakistan's struggle for economic independence. National Bank of Pakistan was established on November 9, 1949 with the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance 1949, in order to cope with the crisis conditions that developed after the stagnation of trade with India and the devaluation of the Indian rupee in 1949. Initially, the Bank was created with the aim of extending credit to the agricultural sector. The normal procedure for establishing a banking company under the Companies Law was set aside and the Bank was created by the enactment of an ordinance, due to the crisis that had developed with respect to the financing of trade in jute. The Bank commenced operations November 20, 1949 at six jute important then Pakistan, East and directed its resources in financing the jute crop.

Nature of the organization

National bank of Pakistan is affianced
in providing commercial banking and allied services in Pakistan and overseas. NBP is customer paying attention institution. It has developed a wide range of consumer products, to improve business and cater to the different segments of society. Bank's services are available to individuals, corporate entities and government.

Product lines of National bank of pakistan

1. NBP karobar
2. NBP cash and Gold
3. NBP Saibaan
4. NBP premium aamdani
5. NBP Kisan dost
6. Swift Service
7. Letter of Credit
8. Demand Draft
9. Mail transfer
10. Travelers Cheque
11. Short term investments
12. Commercial finance
13. International banking
14. Long term Credit of Fund
15. NBP and 1 Link ATM network

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Friday, December 02, 2011

MKTI619 Internship report marketing on the bank of punjab

MKTI619 Internship report marketing on the bank of punjab

As we know that Bank of Punjab is the largest bank of the Pakistan. Thus this report is being to write on Bank of the Punjab. Report will touch the banking sector importantly on Bop its origin, and operation, how the banks are classified based on their function, and so the property and follow trends in the industry. In addition to the above, this report focuses on the BOP to be more precise and discussing the internal details of the bank located in Liaquat Road Sahiwal. The main purpose of this report is to analysis the BOP Marketing Strategy, BOP Marketing Segmentation, Sales Promotion, BOP Customers handling, so it is major part of my report. Other portion like BOP History, BOP Department information, also included. The report further guides through the department and working of the general banking. The activities taking place in the bank, the various products of banking are discussed in the report. The workings of the different departments are done under one roof of BOP. I have worked in the BOP Branch at Sahwial in under below Department

1. Account Opening Department
2. Remittance Department
3. Clearing Department
4. Accounts Department
5. Credit Department

You will able to read all my tasks, which I performed in the entire above department in the next coming pages.

Nature of BOP organization

A unit of service industry of Pakistan, BOP (commercial bank) is engaged in the borrowing, lending and advancing of money, the drawing, making, accepting, discounting, buying, selling, collecting and dealing in bills of exchange, promissory notes, drafts, bills of lading, receipts, warrants, debentures, certificates etc.

It is also engaged in the buying, selling of foreign exchange including foreign bank notes, the acquiring ,holding, issuing on commission , underwriting and dealing in stocks, funds, shares, debentures, the negotiating of loans and advances , the receiving of all kinds of bonds, valuables on deposit or for safe custody. The providing of safe deposit vaults the collecting, and transmitting of money and securities. Over the years, the management has succeeded in establishing an ideological base for the employees to build the bank upon customer loyalty, service with dedication and development of a wide range of products for the customers to choose from.

The bank will earn dividend income from the distribution of profit. Funds are available to the bank out of normal deposits. Subscription of right shares will provide the company with the adequate liquidity to invest in profitable avenues to generate profit in future. This will also help in reducing accumulated losses of the company. Furthered the financial position of the company will be strengthen which will be helpful to the company to launch new product in future.

Dear Students MKTI619 Internship Report on The Bank of Punjab is available.If you are looking MKTI619 internship report on BOP then you are at the right place. We are professional for writing internship report on demand. If you wish we will prepare your report then you are required to contact us.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Comparison of pricing strategy of Honda vs Yamaha

MKT619 final project on Pricing strategy of Honda vs Yamaha

Honda motorcycle (CD 70) with that of YAMAHA (DHOOM)

Introduction to Project

Honda motorcycle (CD 70) and Yamaha big companies that offering quality of products and service to their customers. Both are competitors each other. In Pakistan Honda and Atlas group also collaborate in operation the motorcycles joint venture Atlas Honda. On the other hand Yamaha is also very reputable brand surveying in the market. Both companies are market leader and attracting customers through different strategy, the price one of them. Most of the customers buy its products due to price so Price is very important to gain more and more customers and profits. Price always effects the customer decision on the time of purchasing.

Back Ground of the Project

My project them to do research on both companies pricing strategies and customers perception over this price. In the project I will try identify is the price of two brands matches to customer’s satisfaction because my project also aims to comparative analysis of two leader brands Honda Motorcycle and Yamaha. So through out the project we will do analysis over the both companies price strategy and customer preference. We know that when customers purchase company product he or she spend huge amount of money so is price match to customer satisfaction? For getting customers view over companies price I this study will do survey in the market and some questionnaires will also be give to both companies customers.

Table of Content

1. Chapter 1….……………………………...………………………..........Page
1.1 Introduction ……………………………………………….............3
1.2 Background ………………………………………………...............3
1.3 Objectives ………………………………………………..............4
1.4 Significance ……………………………………………..............4

2. Chapter 2……………………………………………………….…..............Page
2.1 Project proceedings ………………………………………..........4- 5
3. Chapter 3 Methodology ……………………………………….........Page
3.1 Data collection source…………………………………….........6
3.2 Data Collection Tools / Instruments ………………...6
3.3 Reasons ……………………………………………….................7
3.4 Subjects / Participants …………………………………........7
3.5 Field Work / Data Collecting ………………….......8
3.6 Data Processing / Analysis ………………….........8
4. Bibliography …..……………………………………………………..........9

MKT619-Final Project-Marketing

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

MKT619 Final Project marketing on Pepsi Cola

MKT619 Final Project on Pepsi Cola

Introduction to Project

Pepsi was founded in New York in 1965. Its head quarter is in Purchase, New York. It is Producing Non-alcoholic beverage and Food processing items. As my topic is Non-alcoholic beverage so I am only focusing on that only. Pepsi is a carbonated beverage that is produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. It is sold in retail stores, restaurants cinemas and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham in New Bern, North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. Pepsi arrived on the market in India in 1988.PepsiCo gained entry to India in 1988 by creating a joint venture with the Punjab government-owned Punjab Agro Industrial Corporation (PAIC) and Voltas India Limited. This joint venture marketed and sold Lehar Pepsi until 1991, when the use of foreign brands was allowed; PepsiCo bought out its partners and ended the joint venture in 1994. Others claim that firstly Pepsi was banned from import in India, in 1970, for having refused to release the list of its ingredients and in 1993, the ban was lifted, with Pepsi arriving on the market shortly afterwards. These controversies are a reminder of "India’s sometimes acrimonious relationship with huge multinational companies." Indeed, some argue that PepsiCo and The Coca-Cola Company have "been major targets in part because they are well-known foreign companies that draw plenty of attention."

MKT619 Final Project on Pepsi Cola is available, you are requried to send us email for further detail, use our official email