
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Internship Report Format for Students of Business Administration

Internship Report Format for  Students of Business Administration

Prepare report under these outlines:

·         Title cover
·         Title page
·         Internship letter
·         Preface
·         Dedications
·         Acknowledgement
·         Executive Summary
·         Table of contents

1.      Industry introduction
2.      An Overview of organization
·         History of  organization
·         Nature of Organization
a.      Vision Statement
b.      Mission Statement
·         Main Features
·         Competitors
3.      Organizational Structure
·         Hierarchy Chart
·         Number of Employees
·         Main Offices
·         Introduction of all departments
·         Comments on organizational structure
4.      Work done by Internee
5.      (i)Financial Analysis of organization (For Finance Specialization)
·         Financial data of last 5 years
a.      Horizontal analysis
b.      Vertical analysis
·         Significance of ratio
·         Components of ratios (formulae used)
·         Horizontal analysis of ratios
·         Interpretation of ratios
  (ii) For H.R Specialization
·         HR deptt function
·         Staffing method
·         Performance Appraisal Method
·         Reward & Compensation
·         Training method
(iii) For Marketing Specialization
·         Marketing Deptt
·         Marketting deptt function
·         Product Mix
·         Positioning strategies
·         Pricing strategies
·         Promotion strategies
·         BCG matrix
6.      SWOT Analysis
7.      Conclusion
8.      Recommendations
9.      Limitations
10.  Bibliography
11.  Annexes
12.  Glossary






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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

STA630 GDB 1 Solution Fall and Spring 2018 -2019

Welcome to STA630 – Research Methods GDB Solution 2018-2019 Fall and Spring


True experimental design is considered to be more effective than quasi experimental design. Discuss validity of this statement with special emphasis on social research.

Research Methods (STA630) GDB 1 Solution 2019
For acquiring the relevant knowledge, do not rely only on handouts but watch the course video lectures, which can be downloaded for free from, and also use other reference books


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Solution of MGMT628 Assignment # 1-2012

Solution for MGMT628 Assignment # 1-2012

The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 by Walt Disney and Roy. The company is famous for film making, cartoons and animations, broad casting television network, publishing, merchandizing, hotels and entertainment theme parks. In the decades following Walt Disney’s death, the leaders of the Magic Kingdom (Disney) shunned innovation and shut themselves away from their audience. The company, this assignment copied from vu that had produced Fantasia, Snow White, and a string of other brilliant animated films, was under-licensing its cartoon characters, underutilizing its film making capabilities, and under pricing its theme parks when Michael Eisner was appointed Chairman and CEO of Disney.

After analyzing the situation, Michael Eisner devised a plan that would restore the openness to change that had brought Disney such great success. Rather than attempt to change Disney’s corporate culture, which centered on a strong creative leader, he stepped right into Walt’s shoes. This approach was risky, but it was exactly what Disney needed.

MGMT628 Case Study Assignment Solution

Eisner became not a reincarnation of Walt, but a living, walking embodiment of all that Walt stood for. He set a creative example for his staff, suggesting ideas for Disney ad copy, new health-food restaurants, and the next Disney comedy. He even appeared on a weekly TV show the company launched.

Eisner used a number of tactics to encourage, even induce, creativity in others. To kick off planning for the $2 billion Euro Disneyland, he met with 12 of world’s most respected architects in a this assignment copied from vu solutions dot com wildly creative session, which became so heated that two architects almost came to blows. “I’ll use meetings, company anniversaries, anything to create some kind of catalyst to get us all going.” he said.

Instilling the creative spirit throughout the Disney organization became one of Eisner’s top priorities. As part of their management training, employees develop innovative ideas and practice presenting them to top management. He also established an “I Have an Idea” program to reward employees who submit original creative ideas (with checks of up to $10,000).

Eisner guided the revival of Disney’s fortunes by communicating clear strategic goals to his staff, including an ambitious growth plan. Although Disney World at Orlando was already on its way to becoming what it is today—the most popular vacation destination in the United States. Eisner ordered an ambitious $1 billion hotel expansion plan. Disney has doubled its room count to over 20,000, becoming a midsize hotel group on a par with the Ritz Carlton chain.

Another Eisner priority was revitalizing Disney’s movie business, the creativity of its theme parks, its licensing activities, and its retail stores. By maintaining tight budgets, hiring talented but inexpensive actors, and working with adventurous scripts, Eisner and his team transformed Walt Disney Studios from a break-even operation to a dominant force in U.S. moviemaking.

Michael Eisner has proven that creativity and innovation pay. From 1984 to 1990, Disney’s sales increased from under $1.7 billion to more than $5.8 billion. With theme parks in Japan and this assignment copied from Pakistan largest educational website vu solutions dot com France, comic books in 12 languages, a chain of 100 Disney retail outlets in the United States and England, two book publishing groups, two film companies, and a record label—Eisner has revitalized Disney and transformed the Magic Kingdom into an entertainment empire.


What are the internal and external forces for change that rendered the old Disney company a creative, innovating and successful organization.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

CS101-Introduction to Computing Assignment No. 01 Spring 2016

CS101-Introduction to Computing Assignment No. 01

Objective: To understand the fundamental concepts of computing and Web design.


Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment:

Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from internet, handouts or books.
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date.
o The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
o The assignment is copied (from other student or copied from handouts or internet).
o Student ID is not mentioned in the assignment file or name of file is other than student ID.

For any query about the assignment, contact at

Question 1
Write the URLs and types of the following popular websites

  1. AOL
  2. Microsoft
  3. Yahoo
  4. Google
  5. Amazon
Question 2 [10 marks]

Consider you have developed your first web page on your computer. Your Web page is visible only on your computer. It would be nice if it was also visible on the computers of all your friends and relatives as well. So what steps you will take for it?

Note 1:

Do not copy solution from the announcement for regarding lecture 06, else you will be given zero marks.

Monday, April 09, 2012

STA630 Research Method Assignment # 1-2012

STA630 Research Method Assignment # 1 Solution.

Literature review is not simply reading the relevant literature. It is about reading, and collecting the relevant material and writing in a sequential manner that can link the selected topic and literature. It is done to provide the background information of your study.

A literature review consists of an outline of the relevant and significant literature on a particular research area. It provides a review on critical points of existing knowledge on a topic. This assignment is of practical nature and the purpose is to involve you in an activity which will help you to write literature review in project/thesis in your upcoming semesters. It will also help you in reading articles, extracting required information and developing linkages between two or more variables. It will really help you if you try to attempt this assignment devotedly having objective of learning in your mind.

Before preparing your assignment read the given instructions carefully. A ‘model’ literature review has also been given below for your guidance. Furthermore, procedure of collecting articles for review from Google and HEC digital library is given at the end. Follow the instructions and make a wonderful assignment.

 Write a literature review on the following topic:

“Effect of organizational culture on organizational performance”

What you have to do for literature review in this assignment:

  1. Identify the variables in the topic given
  2. Collect the articles for these variables
  3. Try to establish a link between the two variables as done in the example given.


Click here

Monday, April 02, 2012

HRM619 Project on stress Management in Warid

The project hrm619 on Job stress in Warid is widespread. About half of all workers feel the pressures of job-related stress. Extensive research shows that excessive job stress can adversely affect the emotional and physical health of workers as well as it affects the performance at work.

The result is decreased productivity, less satisfied, and less healthy workers. Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. This paper will first discuss stress, the symptoms and causes of stress, and how job stress affects the performance of employees.

Stress has great impact on the performance. Maybe there is some positive benefit to the stresses that will enhance our performance, but, for the most part, stress is a negative, keeping us from performing at peak levels, damaging our daily productivity, and decreasing the chances of our longevity.

Most employees endure high levels of work stress, which may be derived from work, non-work and/or personal factors. There are always two kinds of reaction to work stress: positive or negative. Adequate work stress can inspire employees’ potential and increase their performance; however, excessive work stress will directly influence job performance and business.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Project Proposal on Comparison of Pricing Strategy

Introduction to Project

Pricing strategies for products and services covering three primary ways to improve profits. It is the business owner can reduce costs or sell more, or find more profits with a better pricing strategy. In the crisis of 2008-11, and since then, when the costs is probably already at its lowest level and sales are hard to find, the adoption of a price strategy is a key option to stay viable. So the project proposal on Comparison of Pricing strategy will find out how both companies are adopting effective price strategy in order to meet the customers expectation.

Background of the Project

We are offering our services for writing Project proposal on Comparison of Pricing strategy on students demand. We are providing 100 % Pass Guarantee on Project proposal on Comparison of Pricing strategy of both selected Companies.

How to Contact us
If you are interested for taking our services for writing Project proposal on Pricing strategy, then you can write us with under below information.

1. Your Valid Contact #
2. Your selected companies Name

Friday, January 20, 2012

Marketing Projects Topics for MKT619 Project (VU)

We are offering Marketing Projects topics for MKT619 Marketing projects, Select your Topics and discuss it through email.

  1. Comparison of product strategies
  2. Comparison Advertising Strategies
  3. Comparison Pricing Strategies
  4. Comparison of brand loyalty
  5. Comparison of CRM strategies
  6. Comparison of personality branding
  7. Does personalities of celebrities match with the brands advertised
  8. Factors behind effectiveness of advertising
  9. Factors behind effectiveness of branding
  10. Dimensions of brand personality
  11. Brand as a source of competitive edge
  12. Brand development process
  13. Advertisement in brand image

We are Professional for writing Marketing projects on above topics, we prepare fresh marketing projects on students demand, however lot of ready made projects are also  available .100 % Pass Guarantee.

Contact us 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

CS507-Information Systems (GDB #1)2012

E-commerce is the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of goods and services over computer networks (such as the Internet) through which transactions or terms of sale are performed electronically.

E-commerce is divided into two main sectors, business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce and business to customer (B2C) e-commer.


Elaborate how can Pakistan draw benefits by transforming into an e-economy?


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Marketing proposal sample of Comparison of Product strategy

Introduction of the Project.

Product strategy is like a roadmap and like a roadmap it’s useful only when you know where you are and where you want to go. (McGrath 2001).

Product strategy is one of the core component of the overall marketing strategies. It is the heart of the firm’s overall strategies. To survive and succeeded in a competitive market a firm must continuously monitors the need of its target customers and satisfy the customers by making changes in its product in line with the changes in the need. A product strategy is a process that allows an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sale and achieve a sustainable competitive advantages.

It should be centered on the key concept that customer satisfaction is the main goal. It is most effective when it is an integral component of corporate strategy; how the organization will successful engage customer’s prospects and competitors in the market arena. Customers constitute the source of company revenue through sale .A key component of Product strategy is often to keep marketing in line with a company’s overarching mission statement.

A product strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketing plan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required to successful implement a product strategy. For example “use a low cost product to attract customers” It must take in account the capabilities in terms of engineering of production of distribution existing in the company or of time to acquire them.

It must evaluate the customer’s expectations at the time of delivery.The product itself guides decisions that a business makes to achieve market place success. A successful product strategy must be well planned and organized. Decisions makers assesses the product attribute, industry and the competitors. The information is used to develop a product strategy designed to achieve short term and long term sales revenues and distribution goals. Research is used to identify needs and desires of target customers to develop the product strategies.

Background of the Project.

Product strategies provide avenue for growth to the business. If a business understands its customers and markets perfectly, it will be able to implement an effective product strategy which would give best results. However, a failure to implement and effective product strategy would spell the end of the business as customer perceptions about the company would go towards the negative side. Once the company starts losing market share, a rapid decline of the business would be on its way.

This might turn out to be a disastrous situation for the company. However, if the same is implemented correctly and with thorough understanding, product strategies could act as a platform to launch the company to success and increase its profitability. No product strategy can be described as being correct or better than the other. It entirely depends on the framework and environment in which the strategy is being implemented. So, Companies have spent vast sums of money on marketing research aimed at developing effective product strategies.

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