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Saturday, April 02, 2011


Marketing Proposal for Vital Tea

                                                     Subject: Proposal for Vital Tea

Dear Sir,

With reference to our discussion, I am pleased to forward you the following proposal for your considerations.


Tea is the traditional hot drink in Pakistan

In Pakistan, a morning and evening cup of tea is an essential part of everyday culture. This tradition has existed for many years. Every guest in a home in Pakistan is most likely to ask for a cup of tea to relax after a demanding journey. This trend has always created a strong demand for tea in Pakistan and made it the world's third largest importer of tea. In terms of tea consumption, it is the seventh largest country. Even in summer when the weather is extremely hot, tea is drunk twice a day.


Steady growth expected over the forecast period

The hot drinks market is expected to further develop between 2007 and 2012 as the population of Pakistan increases. As Majority of population consists of youth & there is a need to cater this major segment because with the passage of time their inclination towards tea would be more & more because studies shows that olders consume more than younger. It will also be boosted by continued media campaigns.


Male & Female of socioeconomic class A, B & C, while in peripherial all hot drink users.


■Creation of mass awareness of the brand.

■Meet availability and visibility objectives.

■Achieve agreed sales volumes.


■TBD with the brand after discussing the events.


1) Store Intecept Activity (list to be provided by brand)

■Each store would be assigned to “CC girl”

■CC girl would be responsible to manage the shelf space of brand.

■Visiblity of the brand.

■Visibility of POS material.

■Sales Pitch & any promotional offer given by the brand to the potential customer.

2) Market Storming Activity

■Vital Box “larger than life”

■on Branded Shehzoo

■It could be both interactive or alone activity

■In interactive activity we have female promoters to & DJ to engaging crowd.

■Giving gratitudes.

■Sampling of vital Tea.

3) Corner Meetings

■Town by town approach in each city.

■Pre program announcement through Cable channels.

■Door to Door invitation & selling.

■Briefing of vital brand & free gifts on visiting the stall.

■Gathering of Housewives on the stall.

4) Vital Mela

■This programme will be hold in the major parks of the city.

■Objective is to engage the females by providing them the palteform for intertainment.

■Entry ticket is by purchasing the one pack of vital tea.

■Family participation.

■Children entertainment.

■Pre program announcement through Cable channels.

■Daily lucky draws.


■As per discussion with Brand


■Lahore, Faisalabad & Islamabad.

Please feel free to contact me in case of any queries.

Best regards,
Shoukat Ali


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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