
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MGMT628 assignment 1 solution

Question: # 1

1) If this kind of system is so profitable and useful then why isn't it more widely used?


1) This kind of system being profitable and useful is not it more widely used because of following reasons:-

a. Restriction of labor Laws.
b. Risk involved.
c. Stress by Employees.
d. Financial problems.
e. Non conventional method.
f. Lack of Experience.
g. Labor Unions.

Question:# 2

2) What are the hazards that prevent such a system from implementation in a company?


a. Compulsion of labor Laws.
b. Risk involved in production.
c. Wish by Employees.
d. Financial crisis hazards.
e. Competition in market.
f. Risk of switching over of employees to some other organization during rest period.
g. Poor management.

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