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Saturday, July 09, 2011


How To Write A Good Project Report

To write a good report of MBA projects, are required to have a clear idea of ​​the research topic in mind. Once you are clear about the issue, proceed with the project report. All you have to consider is a simple approach. You should follow some basic steps to write an effective project report including the following:

Mechanics of Writing

The project report should reflect what you are actually trying to achieve. They should conduct their own individualistic perspective and knowledge you have gained after doing the project. With your writing, you should be able to transform ideas into your brain in a logical and coherent paper. This method of transforming the ideas of the mind in a document called a brain dumping. As you type, follow these easy steps

Your writing should be clear that means it must be the point. Your dictionary should not be concise and should not be open to learning new terms and different. Then you should write enough or too short nor too long. Your writing should not lead to misinterpretation.

Complement your writing by illustrations

This sets the tone of the project report and makes it interesting, while the presentation. It makes it easier for the reader to understand what is written in the text

Grammar and spelling checker:

You must have a strict tab on the grammar used and if the spelling is used correctly. A spelling mistake and you may lose your brand, as well as printing.

Format to be followed when writing a report on the project:

■ Project proposal:

This is the most basic and mandatory to write a good project report. Proposal is written in the future tense and follows a pattern set to become the first three chapters of the research project.

■ introductory pages:

Paving the way for his project in a few pages of the report of the project. Give clear idea of ​​what you will write and all that has included in its report. You should know that the readers know why the problem that has written a report is required to be studied. Emphasize the importance of their study.

■ Review of the literature:

This section contains the conclusions of previous researchers who have conducted research on the same topic. This is a long report based on research already done on the subject by other researchers.

■ Methodology:

What is illustrated in the methodology?

■ Define the population.

■ Drawing a sample of the population.

■ Conducting research on the sample in accordance with the methodology adopted either surveys, questionnaires, etc.

■ Meet Results

In the end, one must also mention the limitations imposed by time and budgetary constraints.

Results and conclusions:

Use tables and graphs to demonstrate their findings. And that sums up the report with all comments and take concrete results of the investigation.

Therefore, following the steps above can certainly help write a report on good and effective project. These tips can identify good notes, if rightly lost


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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