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Monday, July 18, 2011


How can i Write Internship Reports

 How can i write Internship Reports

Dear Students, as you know that Writing reports is one of the most formal ways of presenting the results of a project. Reports can be written about any professional activity including experimental or test results, design proposals, economic or technical feasibility studies and project summaries. They usually follow a major effort on a single topic and are written for review by people involved in decision making or affected by their work. Divided your internship reports into parts or portion

1. History of the organization     (where you are going to write a internship report)
2. Company Product lines
3. Company Current Business Volume
4. Company management information
5. Introduction to all company departments
6, Write your training program,
7. Write various tasks, that were assigned or performed by you
8. Critical comments, critical analysis
9. SWOT anlaysis
10.Write future prospective of the company 
11.Conculsion and some necessary recommendatoin
12.Give reference if secondary data has been used in your report


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →

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